Saturday 19 April 2014

You should be Smart!

After discussing the random number, today we are going to discuss one of the application of random number in Game Theory. Although this article is more inclined toward probability but there is use of random number at crucial point. 

Today we are going discuss TRUEL (three-person "duels").

One morning, three bosom friends Mr. White, Mr. Black and Mr. Grey were decide to go for hunting. After few efforts they were able to find a deer. All the three shot blindly to the deer and one of the bullet hit it and the deer fell down. All the three flitted toward it but when they reached , there is a dispute among them for who will take the credit of hunting. The spark turn into blistering fire and  the bosom friends turn into sworn enemy and to resolve the conflict they agreed on truelling with pistols until only one of them survives.

Mr. Black is the worst shot, hitting his target on average only one time in three. Mr. Grey is a better shot hitting his target two times out of three. Mr. White is the best shot hitting his target every time. To make the truel fairer Mr. Black is allowed to shoot first, followed by Mr. Grey (if he is still alive), followed Mr. White (if he is still alive), and round again until only one of them is alive.

The question is where should Mr. Black aim his first shot? 

Although Mr. Black was a rookie shooter but he was smart. He examine the options. If he aim at Mr. Grey and if he is successful then the next shot will be taken by Mr. White. Mr. White has only one opponent left , Mr. Black himself and as Mr. White is a perfect shot he would be dead.

He consider another and better option, is to aim at Mr.White. If he is successful then the next shot will be taken by Mr. Grey. Mr. Grey hits his target only two times out of three and so there is a chance that he( Mr. Black) will survive to fire back at Mr. Grey and possibly win the truel.

Mr. Black was even much more smarter and he switch toward the third and much better option. He could aim into air.Mr. Grey has the next shot and he will aim at Mr. White , because he is more dangerous opponent. If Mr. White survives then he will aim at Mr. Grey because he is more dangerous opponent. By aiming inti the air , Mr Black is allowing Mr. Grey to eliminate Mr. White or vice-versa.

Whatever had be the result and whoever had won ..'main mudda ye hai' you should be smart!.
Now where is random number involves in it? Actually in this case we give priority to Mr. Baclk, but to choose who will shoot the first we decide it  randomly by generating random numbers.


  1. but how it is related to game theory ?

  2. it is used by military in war time...
    it simulate the real condition....and tries to analyze strategies and decision making on its basis.
